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Entries Number:


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Please contact me if you have any questions. (English)Email : CIDPAE2023@126.com

Color Section

Title:《传承·炫技 Inheritance of stunts》 No.A00526
Title:《Margo Zhurunova, Ukraine Artist》 No.A00688
Title:《新农村春耕忙 Busy spring plough in new countryside》 No.A00393
Title:《已知&未知》 No.A00058
Title:《民俗之美 多彩贵州1》 No.A00874
Title:《胡杨精灵》 No.A00630
Title:《城市之间Between cities》 No.A00612
Title:《勤练》 No.A00148
Title:《Storic Architecture》 No.A00847
Title:《Walking in lavender》 No.A00602
Title:《Picnic》 No.A00740
Title:《上漆》 No.A00160
Title:《重任 Burden》 No.A00806
Title:《摄影之路 The road to photograph》 No.A00411
Title:《海上都市》 No.A00754
Title:《质检 Quality check》 No.A00423
Title:《摩登时代 Modern times》 No.A00353
Title:《Bangladesh Alberta》 No.A00716

Monochrome Section

Title:《水何澹澹 Water in rhythmic motion》 No.B00326
Title:《UNTITLED 》 No.B00353
Title:《鸭阵 Duck Array》 No.B00297
Title:《乌镇的桥 Wuzhen Bridge》 No.B00336
Title:《Our rush》 No.B00356
Title:《牧归 Back from herding》 No.B00142
Title:《Clouds surge in the Tianchi Lake》 No.B00216
Title:《冰裂 Ice crack》 No.B00159
Title:《The Traditional Chinese Painting Style in Mountain Villages》 No.B00060
Title:《点烟 Light up》 No.B00247
Title:《Steamed buns are fragrant》 No.B00410
Title:《寻觅 Foraging》 No.B00107
Title:《》 No.B00358
Title:《巾帼不让须眉 Excellent as the male》 No.B00400
Title:《Man drinking beer》 No.B00412
Title:《乐园 Paradise》 No.B00309
Title:《穿越》 No.B00420
Title:《街乐 Street fun》 No.B00222

Exhibition Review